Characteristics of the stone cactus or lithops

As we have already mentioned, stone cacti are an entire genus , but all their species share their main characteristics. They are plants with a conical body with a flat surface, and they have only two leaves joined at their base, with a fissure between the two, where the new leaves appear, which will replace the previous ones and the flower. Their colors can vary quite a bit, and range from green to pinkish, like that of Lithops karasmontana, or the orange of Lithops lesliei. When talking about stone cacti, Pleiospilos is sometimes also included, a related genus that shares the appearance of living stones, although they are distinguishable from lithops due to their greater number of leaves.
Stone cacti are very resistant plants that are adapted to the hot and dry climates of their natural habitat, and are generally used as both indoor and outdoor plants. In autumn, When they bloom, they produce a single, nocturnal, daisy-shaped flower, so that it almost completely hides the rest of the plant.
Stone cactus or lithops care – practical guide
These are the basic care of the stone cactus or lithops, with which you will ensure that it grows healthy and blooms in a while.
Light and location
As desert plants, lithops need a lot of natural light and can even be exposed to full sun at temperatures that do not exceed 35ºC. However, these succulents do not bear cold very well, and they should never be exposed to temperatures below 10ºC. The great enemies of the stone cactus are Cold and if it is exposed to frost or very low temperatures, most of the plant will likely not be able to survive.
Lithops need very little water, and overwatering is one of their main threats. You should water them once every ten days in spring and summer, reduce watering in fall, and not water throughout the winter when the plant is less active. Additionally, the pot’s saucer must never accumulate water, so if water remains in it after watering, remove it immediately. This is very important because excess moisture can cause the roots of this plant to rot with remarkable ease.
This is a strong plant and very adapted to arid lands, so it usually will not require fertilizer on its land. A universal substrate or one for succulent plants will be more than enough in the vast majority of cases.
It is recommended to transplant stone cacti every three years and not before since the growth of this plant is not excessive. The transplant should be carried out in spring.
How to make a stone cactus bloom
In general, Cacti are very slow-growing plants, So, to grow them for many years it is common to produce their first flower. However, if you have had your lithops for three years or more or it has never bloomed yet, check to make sure you are giving it everything it needs to be in optimal condition. The most important points here are that it receives enough sunlight and that it is kept at an appropriate temperature, even in winter.
If your stone cactus does not bloom, it is probably because it is in a location with little sun or because the temperature is lower than recommended, either throughout the year or only in the cold season. Also, remember that watering is important in spring and summer, but under no circumstances should you allow the substrate to become waterlogged.
What is the flower of a stone cactus-like?
Each lithops bears a single large flower that usually emerges in autumn. These are daisy-shaped flowers, white or bright yellow, that grow until they completely cover the plant and give off a soft and pleasant perfume. If you like cactus flowers.
To finish, we leave you a photo gallery of stone cacti or lithops with and without flowers, so you can see the great variety there is.